We love this video by Ill Doctrine! Enjoy!!
Abortion Stigma
God, there’s a lot of stigma around abortion. We certainly get our share of hearing the antis slur words of hate to us that propagates stigm...
Poetic Justice: Winning Haiku Revealed!
Thanks to the faithful readers who contributed their haikus! My spirit took flight with every carefully-placed syllable. In a way, you'r...
I just can’t understand that there are people out there who don’t support abortion even when rape is the cause of pregnancy. I don’t want ...
Poetic Justice
Abortion clinics Are great because they're awesome They do abortions OK, so I'm no Pablo Neruda. I may not even be Dr. Seuss. But ...
The Busy Season
I was making Christmas cookies with friends today, talking about our Christmas shopping, our holiday travels. It made me think of what the h...
Protecting Secrets
I was going to write about something totally different this morning, but Daughter of Wands and Vegan Vagina have me thinking about secrets w...
Secret Society of Abortioneers
This whole " SIRI Abortiongate " situation has really highlighted how my participation in this blog is a secret from most people i...
Double Edge Wands
I live a double life. I am artist and patient advocate. I am not completely in either world. When I gather with fellow artists, I am my self...
Desembarazarme meets Siri
I don't have an iPhone, but my co-worker and carpool partner does, and this evening, she let me have a go at it. While still in the par...
"Siri, why do Abortioneers care so much about you?"
Instead of petitioning Apple about Siri's propensity to be as helpful to women as a college bro with a pocket full of Rohypnol, we coul...
Screw Siri, but be careful because she can't access contraception.
Continue to sign the petition! We have 945 signatures! http://www.change.org/petitions/siri-why-wont-you-help-me-find-family-planning-servic...
Apple iPhone Siri Update
This past Sunday, I blogged about the Apple iPhone's Siri, and her noticeable lack of knowledge regarding abortion, contraception, and ...
Reproductive Health As a Human Right
Access to safe reproductive healthcare is a right of everyone - men, women, adolescents. But most importantly, and something those of us in ...
What's the Deal with Siri?
Do any of our readers have the new iPhone 4? If so, I'm curious if you could do us a favor, and ask Siri -I am pregnant and do not want ...
Recently a friend and fellow abortioneer passed away. It was pretty shocking and I'm still wrestling with my own emotions and the after ...
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
Thanksgiving is this Thursday. You know what that means - turkey, mashed potatoes, family, friends, giving thanks...oh and mass hysteria evo...
Their hearts opened when they had abortions
“As a woman exercises her power to create life she is given a glimpse of wholeness.” –Linda Weber Every so never until now, a book comes al...
When Abortions Get Familiar
A few years ago, I counseled a client who was caring for a critically ill child and felt that she had to choose between the child she alread...
Horsin' Around
I want to piggy-back on Vegan Vagina for a moment here, because I, too, am SO EFFING OUTRAGED about the whole Penn State scandal. Mostly bec...
What does Penn State have to do with abortion?
I was outraged after reading about Penn State and how so many people allowed the continued sexual abuse/rape/assault to happen. When I firs...
When Ads Get a Little Too Personal
All of us internet users are well aware of the amount ads we get as well as the personalization of them. When you make an any kind of accou...
10-year-old gives birth in Mexico
In Puebla, Mexico, located an hour and a half east of Mexico City, a ten-year-old girl gave birth via cesarean section on October 22nd. She ...
To Have an IUD or Not to Have an IUD (And then, which type?)
Desembarazarme’s recent post about IUDs here got me thinking. IUDs definitely are more popular. Not so much the ParaGard, but Mirena is. ...
Out of this galaxy
Turns out Initiative 26 is TOO EXTREME, even for Mississippi pro-lifers. Thank goodness! And even in spite of the governor opposing it publi...
Mississipians need your support!
Dear readers: Please send love and well wishes to the women and families of Mississippi today, as they vote on a "personhood" amen...
There's no excuse for unintended pregnancy! ...Or is there?
If you're an Abortioneer, an aficionado of public health journals, or if you've watched TV or read a women's magazine recently, ...
Like a rug
My favorite thing about antis is the constant lying. I like it because it reinforces that I'm not an idiot. And the satisfaction that co...
All Saint's Day
All Saints Day is a Catholic holy day that celebrates Saints both known and unknown. I am no Catholic but for me this day is about celebrati...