When I told my Mormon mother I was going to work at an abortion clinic, I could’ve heard a pin drop. She was confused, didn’t really know e...
We love abortion like we love babies
The darling, soft and joyful baby kept rushing toward my open arms... Sunday afternoon. You dawdled in civic square and I lamented this ec...
systemic ass kicking
She didn’t call you back because her ultrasound read that she is 36 weeks. This particular patient told me she was 6-8 weeks but actuall...
How do you live with yourself
Today a woman told me she had enough money to buy diapers for the rest of the month--laid-off for the past few months, homeless, living an...
Happy Abortion Provider Day!
I had a hard day at work and realized throughout this day that I hadn't really thought about how it's National Abortion Provider Day...
Upon Our Shoulders
Why, as women, do we seem to carry so much responsibility/burden/guilt on our own, strong shoulders? We care for our children, our aging pa...
Responsibility Rant
You know how MSN and AOL have those little article blurbs on their front pages, Top Cities To Live In, Toddler Saved By Squirrel, Study: Men...
Abortion Run-In
What a day. Decided to investigate my insurance coverage re: abortion. Like most women I've spoken to, it had never occurred to me just...
Coming of Age
Talking to a 16-year old about her abortion still feels strange to me. Unwanted pregnancy shouldn’t be something that any woman has to dea...
True love awaits
I magine my horror to discover my reward was seventy male virgins last time I died and went to heaven. Imagine the mess. Imagine those who k...