When I first signed up for a gym membership I didn't realize how valuable it would become. Not only do I stay solid and sexy like the pe...
"Sono over limit"
I had the most awful dream. I guess it was a dream about the ruthlessness of time. Somehow I realize I am pregnant, even though I have been ...
and now i'm pregnant....
I was raped...4 weeks ago, 2 months ago, in August or July, it was a while back and now I’m pregnant. I'm really sorry you went through ...
I would always have an abortion
Every day is a snap shot. So hauntingly concise. A few minors (at least one alone), a few women over thirty-five. Most are in their twenties...
The right to choose?
What does it mean to have the right to choose? You hear this phrase thrown about like having “the right” is the end all. Don’t get me ...
democracy is a virtual reality
P resident's day reminds me of all the old boys--the lawyers and doctors, farmers and merchants that gathered to sign this government...
The fallacy of exceptionalism
Feminist Professor, one of the bloggers in our short blogroll to the right, has been blogging her abortion experience, and she has a post-pr...
The Scarlet Option
There are no elephants in the room. There are fetuses, embryos, sacs, pregnancies, products, monsters, aliens, sicknesses, mistakes, its, ba...
Abortion Reverie
The most conflicted point in my recent life was leaving The Movement. Not the entire Movement, per se, but its large arm to which I had devo...
Your total is $3165. Would you like to pay with credit card, money order, or your soul?
If working at an abortion clinic isn’t adventurous enough, try taking money at an abortion clinic. Two out of five days a week, I’m counseli...
Nth Degrees of Abortion
S ex has changed since working at the clinic. So have meals, long stares, idle thought, light conversations about happy things. I can have a...
A Pro-Family Choice
Women who choose to have abortions often do so because they are already caring for and providing for families. Approximately sixty -one perc...
My past week
How many times in one day can I tell someone that they just need to come up with more money? I feel like I’m a broken record. I’m tired...
Superbowl Sunday is a cross-quarter sun
Super-Bowl Sunday... Mom and dad make chili and we place our family bets. The entire experience is a warm ring. I think I won once by intuit...
Who Cares?
I'm sick and I'm up early on a Sunday morning. Going to meet up with my boyfriend's folks in a few hours, who are headstrong Cat...